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Bible Learner - tests your knowlage of the Bible
additional information

The program works under almost all versions of Windows with many translations of the Bible and at this moment supports English, Russian and Ukrainian interfaces. The program supports multiple users and for each user it holds statistic of answers. The program delivered absolutly for free, with only restriction to not use it in commerce. I hope this program increase knowlage of Bible and in others. Alexey Vinokurov.

Download: learner.exe (5 Mbyte) It contains the program itself and english, russian and ukrainian texts.
Another format for downloadding: (6 Mbyte)

Additional books: - New Testament in Slavic language (300 kbyte) - Full Bible in Slavic language (1600 kbyte) - Old Testament in Greek (1291 kbyte) - Vulgata (1148 kbyte)

You need just download '' and only that books which you want to be tested on.

Made changes ver.
- Added support for Hebrew.
- Small changes and improvements.

Changes ver.
- Added Ukrainian interface support.
- Added support for lefthander.
- Added support for work from CD-ROM.
- Added support for cross-references.
- Improved navigation.
- Added support for user's comments.
- Other small changes and improvements.

Because of large size and vast functionality of the program - I'll be grateful for any misstakes found and mailed to me :